Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston

Personal injury is any type of physical or psychological injury caused by the negligence, recklessness or intention of another party. Personal injury law encompasses a broad range of offenses, but they all have one thing in common: an innocent victim has been hurt by the carelessness or negligence of another party.
After you have been the victim of this type of reckless behavior, you may feel helpless, but you are not. Seeking legal justice is one of the most effective ways to make the guilty party pay for the harm they caused, while helping to prevent future injustices of the same kind. The Camberg Law Firm is here to help you effectively make your personal injury case in court so other innocent victims won’t have to.
This type of injury can be caused by a person, group of people, company or organization and includes:
- Automobile Accidents, Trucking Accidents and Bicycle / Motorcycle Accidents
- Injuries to Seamen and Longshoremen
- Medical Malpractice
- Dangerous Drugs and Medical Devices
- Premises Assault and Rape
- Workplace Injuries, Illnesses and Plant Explosions
- Dangerous and Defective Products
- Maritime and Railroad Injuries
- Nursing Home Abuse
The types of damages a victim of personal injury can seek include:
- Medical bills
- Loss of ability to work
- Loss of future earnings
- Pain and suffering
- Funeral expenses
- Mental anguish
Have you been the victim of these types of abuses or injuries and suffered any of the damages listed above? If so, we are here to help. Please contact The Camberg Law Firm to speak with a personal injury law firm. Houston is your home, and it should be a safe and equitable place to live—with your help, our attorneys can make serious injury litigation an effective way to hold guilty companies and individuals accountable.
Cancer and Firefighters
Cancer is the leading cause of death among firefighters. Around 30 years ago, asbestos-related cancers proved to be the main cause of illness, but in today’s conditions, diagnosis of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma are on the rise. Researchers credit this rise in cancers to the new chemicals and materials used in modern homes. Plastic and other synthetic materials behave differently in fires, making the effects of these materials on humans (specifically firefighters) over the past few decades a fairly new topic of discussion among health professionals. The findings are clear; Firefighters have a higher risk of cancer than the general population.
If you or a loved one is or was a firefighter and now has cancer, please contact us today. We have the knowledge and expertise needed to help build a claim and get you the compensation you deserve. For more information regarding the cancer epidemic among firefighters, please view more resources here.